160 years ago today - Aug 1, 1855

In conversing upon various principles President Young thought none would inherit this Earth when it became celestial & translated into the presence of God but those who would be Crowned as Gods & able to endure the fulness of the Presence of God ex[cept?] they might be permitted to take with them some servants for whom they would be held responsible. All others would have to inherit another kingdom even that kingdom agreeing with the law which they had kept. Yet He thought they would eventually have the privilege of proveing themselves worthy & advanceing to a Celestial kingdom but it would be a slow progress.

On Saturday evening Aug 4th The Universal Scientific society met in the Music Hall And herd an Address deliverd by Professor Orson Pratt. He there made known the Law governing the Planetary rotation which was the first time that Law was ever made known to the inhabitants of the Earth in this age of the world & we have no account of its ever being revealed to man before. It is the Law which Asstronomers have diligently sought to find out for many centauries.

[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

1 comment:

  1. The correct date for this entry should be Sunday evening Aug.5th.

    The drivel of the 1st paragraph is also included in Complete Discourses of B.Y.


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