115 years ago today - Thursday, Oct 24, 1901

President [Joseph F.] Smith arose and said, I believe in being frank with my brethren. I am going to make a suggestion and leave the result in your hands. I would be glad if we all had sons worthy of the apostleship, for I would like to see the sons of the apostles brought forward as far as possible. I feel that this is right. I now nominate, as it is my privilege so to do, my son, Hyrum M. Smith, to fill the vacancy in the quorum of Apostles and will leave the matter entirely with the brethren. All present spoke, one by one, and endorsed the nomination. Apostle Jno. H. Smith said that while he heartily endorsed the nomination, he felt that doubtless some fault would be found with our action, but at the same time he realized that there would be some to find fault with any action that might be taken in the premises. Pres. Smith made brief remarks. Was profoundly thankful to the brethren for the unanimity that had been manifested. No doubt some might find fault with the action of today, but faultfinders will always be in evidence among the people. He felt that it was his right to do as he had done. Hyrum is a good, honest, faithful, virtuous boy, and he had no doubt but that he would magnify the apostleship.

... At this juncture Elder Hyrum M. Smith came in, and Apostle Jno. H. Smith by request informed him that he had been chosen an apostle and proceeded to deliver the usual charge, in brief as follows, to wit:

Brother Hyrum Smith, it is presumed that you are a moral man, that you observe the word of wisdom, that you subscribe to the principles of the gospel, that you accept the principle of plural marriage, and that you uphold and sustain in your heart the First Presidency, the Twelve, the patriarch, and other general authorities of the church. You are to be ready at any time to go and to come at the call of the Presidency. Your heart must be given to your God, your loyalty must never be questioned. You must be God-fearing, honest, just, and a tithe-payer.

President Smith said in part, I want to impress upon your mind that the law of God is the supreme law and that the will of God is the supreme will and that no authority on the earth is entitled to develop the law, as aforesaid, but the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles. You must be loyal and true to themâ€"you must never falter or rebel. President Young told me upon one occasion that no man in the quorum of Apostles who falters or rebels can ever attain to the presidency of the church. And because they faltered, Orson Pratt and Orson Hyde lost their place of seniority in the quorum, and were consequently thrown out of the line to the presidency. Elder Smith said he know[s] this to be the work of God and would endeavor to [do] his duty, if ordained an apostle. Elder Hyrum Smith was then ordained a high priest and an apostle in the quorum of the Twelve Apostles, under the hands of all present, Pres. Jos. F. Smith being mouth. Benediction by President Brigham Young.

[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]

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