[Stephen L. Richards]
President Richards called Marianne C. Sharp relative to a series of articles that are running in the Relief Society Magazine on the United Nations because of an inquiry that had come to the Brethren as to whether the Relief Society was taking a position against the United Nations...
Sister Sharp said the purpose had been to point out the dangers to the Constitution under the United Nations, especially under its treaty making powers. She said they had heard about the treaty making and human rights phases and asked Brother Albert R. Bowen if he would write an article pointing them out so that the sisters would be aware of the dangers that we might be running into.... She said they might be considered to be against these treaty-making powers, and said Brother Bowen had informed her that there had been similar articles appearing in the American Bar Association Journal.
President Richards said that the United Nations is a highly controversial political issue. Sister Sharp said they had been aware of that, and so they had approached it from the standpoint of the dangers to the Constitution, and had thought that by tying it to the Constitution they would avoid that. ... He wondered if it would be well for the Magazine to disclaim taking any position with reference to being for or against the United Nations, in an effort to influence people in their attitudes on the subject. Sister Sharp said they would be glad to do that....
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah 2015, Appendix 2, The Diaries of Marion G. Romney, 1941-1961, Abridged]
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