[Patriarchal Blessings]
[Patriarchal Blessing of future apostle Anthony W. Ivins given by William G. Perkins ... Thou are a chosen vessel of the Lord, and in due time you shall go to the nations afar off and preach the everlasting Gospel. Thou will have great power of speech. You will learn their language by the power of the Holy Ghost.... You will have power over the winds and waves of the sea. You will be tossed to and fro but by your word the sea will be calm. You will have an inheritance in Zion. You will assist in building up the New Jerusalem the city that shall be paved with pure gold. You will see that Holy Temple finished off and be there at the dedication There you will see your Redeemer, you will be caught up to meet him with his Holy Angels and return with them to His holy Temple. There you will see Joseph and Hyrum and many of the Latter day Saints with their resurrected bodies. ... It will be common with you to see the graves open and the dead come forth. You will witness the return of the Ten Tribes. ... And I seal you up to Eternal Life, and seal upon your head a crown of Celestial Glory. This I do in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
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