I met with the Circle in prayer being 17 persons present. At the Close of prayer Elder Leonard Wilford Hardy was called forward & presidents. B. Young H. C. Kimball J M Grant F D. Richards & W Woodruff laid hands upon his head & ordained him to the office of an High Priest and a Bishop & also the first Councellor to Bishop Edward Hunter. The following is a synopsis of his blessing. President Young was mouth.
Brother Leonard Wilford Hardy in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood we lay our hands upon your head & ordain you to be a High Priest & a Bishop in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints And we also ordain you to be the first Councellor to Bishop Edward Hunter, who is the Chief Bishop in the Church & we seal upon your head all the power & Authority of this priesthood & Bishopprick & we seal upon you the spir[it] of Council & Revelation that you may Council the people to pay their tithing & we bless you with the gift of Disernment that you may have power to magnify your Calling & you shall have the spirit of Prophesy & revelation visions Dreams & the Administering of Angels & you shall be filled with wisdom & shall assist in building up the kingdom of God on the Earth & shall be an active assistance unto Bishop Hunter in gathering the Tithing of the people that the Temples of our God may be built & his works carried on.
Let your heart be comforted. You shall be blessed with evry good thing your heart shall desire & your words shall be like a two Edged sword among the people & we seal you up unto Eternal Life & no man shall take your Crown. We seal all these Blessings upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ Amen….
President Kimball remarked that it was no use to baptize the people untill they had made restitutions to those whom they had injured. He also said that the men who had been to work for him He had given $1.50 cts per day & they were dissatisfied & went away to prove whare they said they could get $2 per day.
Elder F. D. Richards said that he had found the people more ready to carry out the principles of this kingdom who had been taught it in the English Language than those who ownly understood the welsh & other Languages. It has seemed like speaking through a quill to the welsh Churches all the time.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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