We herewith submit answers to the questions contained in yours of the 14th inst.
Question: Where we grant a brother and sister the privilege of second blessings, and they desire the same blessings in behalf of their deceased parents who were true and faithful members of the Church while they lived, shall we grant their request?
Answer: Yes, provided they can be properly recommended.
Question, Where the husband is dead and his widow living, is it alright for her to receive these blessings and have someone who has received them to stand for him, provided of course he was a worthy man?
Answer: Yes.
Question: A brother who was recommended for this purpose a year or two ago asked permission to receive this ordinance in behalf of his son, a worthy young man who had died. Would you approve of this request being granted?
Answer: Not at present.
Question: If the good record of a man is broken by his falling into transgression, say adultery or fornication, and he repents and makes restitution as far as he can do so, and has received forgiveness, can he afterwards, by living a faithful and good life, be entitled to receive these higher ordinances?
Answer: Every such case should stand on its own merits. In some instances it may be highly proper to recommend for second anointings, in others improper. For instance, a man who commits adultery after receiving his endowments should not be recommended to receive second blessings. Let the cases of all such men be considered and determined by the authority on the other side of the veil. But where a man commits adultery before joining the Church or even after baptism but before receiving his endowments his condition is different, and yourself and counselors must be the judges as to his worthiness to receive these blessings.
Question: We have not recommended anyone, only in exceptional cases, who have not reached the age of 50. Is that age limit alright?
Answer: If a man 50 years of age has been faithful he may be recommended for higher blessings.
[Source: Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund to C. N. Lund and Counselors, LDS Archives]
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