[John Taylor]
In reply to your letter of the 12th of November, there is no objection to Brother Noah Brimhall receiving his second anointing and I have endorsed his recommend accordingly. But his present wife cannot be anointed to him as she is only his wife for time, and when she receives her anointings to her deceased husband, Bailey Lake, his [Lake's] other two wives should also receive theirs. If Brother Brimhall were to act for Bailey Lake and she were to be anointed to him as proxy, it might lead to confusion. The better way, in order that the records may be straight, is for someone to act for Brother Lake and the three wives [to] be anointed at the same time. Brother George Lake[,] having one [of] these wives and being his brothers heir[,] could do this with the greatest propriety, if he should be worthy of the ordinance. Under the circumstances I think Brother Brimhall had better get a relative of his own, or of his deceased wifes, or in the absence of such a relative, some friend who has had her second anointing to act as proxy for his deceased wife, and let Sister Lavina Jones Lake Brimhall wait for this ordinance until arrangements can be made for the other wives of Brother Lake to join her in obtaining this ordinance[.]
[Source: John Taylor to John D. T. McAllister, Nov. 18, 1886, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
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