170 years ago today - Nov 9, 1846

Letter: Parley P. Pratt to Orson Hyde, Nov. 9, 1846, Manchester, England.

Dear Br. Hyde,

Manchester Nov. 9th 46

Your "Dreams" your "Whisperings of the Spirit" your "hopes," "fears" and "doubts"- Your false insinuations, your "disgust" - Your entire want of Confidence in those holding the Keys of the Holy Apostleship, and of the Kingdom of God, in common with yourself - Your railing accusations, and insults against that Priesthood as manifested in certain letters written to me of late, altogether manifest a spirit so false - so foreign from the true spirit of your high and responsable office that I am Constrained to Exhort you to repent and Return again to the Spirit of Charity and Truth.

And, not only so, but if you Continue in the same spirit of Railing, falsehood, and Insult, as manifested towards me in those Letters, Take heed Lest you are removed out of your place, and sent home, to answer for these things before the Council: For, be assured that Spirit shall never preside over me, nor over the Interests of the people of God in this Land so far as I have power by the help of God, and by the Cooperation of Br Taylor and the saints here, to prevent it. - You, Elder Hyde, Do not hold the keys of sitting in Judgement upon my soul, by your dreams, visions, Whispering of the Spirit, [illegible] or fears, or by any other means. This belongs to a united quorum. and they Can only do it by [te]stimony, according to the Laws of the Kingdom.

I [ca]re not a fig for your dreams, nor for the whisperings of the spirit about me, or my teachings for I know [an]d so does the Holy Ghost, and all that hear me, that the spirit that whispers to you bears false witness As I have taught nothing about Marriage, Wives, or [co]venants, or Choosings either for time [or] eternity, In England. And furthermore, it [illegible] another, of the same quorum, without being told. They aught to know it by the Holy Ghost, or if they do not know it, they aught, at least to believe nothing to the Contrary without they were compeled to believe.

Br. H. Let me tell you that the spirit that whispered to you had Lips of flesh and Blood, and a tongue to "set on fire of hell." And next time a spirit of that kind whispers to you, Pray, handle them and see.

[Address appears here]

And, Remember, that if you wish to controll or direct me at any time according to the birthright and spirit of your office, you have only to be in the exersize of the Holy Ghost, and come out, like an honest man, [illegible] and open like a Brother, and a still small voice, or the . . .

[Enough words in the last four lines are illegible to complete the text.]

[Source: Letter: Parley P. Pratt to Orson Hyde]

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