155 years ago today - Dec 31, 1861

[Wilford Woodruff]
This is the last day of 1861 which has past and gone and borne its report to heaven of the deeds of all Nations and men. This year has brought to pass much of the fulfillment of the predictions of the Ancient and Modern Prophets of God. See this Journal Jan 1st 1861. I there declaired as a Prophetic Historian that this year would be the most distressing year America Ever saw since they were an independant Nation. Time has proven it so.

[Details of states leaving the Union & the subsequent civil war are detailed] ...

The State of Missouri whare the Saints have received there persecutions is now the great Battlefield of the west. It is now man against man & neighbor against Neighbor. They who have spoiled the Saints are now being spoiled. Independance, & Jackson County Missouri. is nearly destroyed. It is the Case with many parts of the State. The Lord has taken peace from the Earth and all Nations are Still preparing for war.

The Lord has pointed out the fate of this Nation in the Book of Mormon and Doctrins & Covenants. He has said that when they became ripened in iniquity they should be Cut off. That day has Come. ...

John W. Dawson was sent By President Lincoln to Utah as there Governor. He arived in Great Salt Lake City on the 7 of Dec Delivered his message on the 10 to the Utah Legislature and immediately Commenced a scene of Debauchery and insulted women untill the widow of Thomas Williams drove him out of her house with a fire Shovel because of his vulgar abuse to her, and He has left this City for the East this day in the mail Stage a disgraced debauched Libertine. He left because He Could not hold up his head in the Streets and look the people in the face because of his Crimes.

These are the kind of Rulers the Gentiles send to rule over Israel and Israel Begins to Feel that it is time to rise up and appoint her own Governors, Judges & Rulers & trust in God for the Result.

The American Nation as a United States Government is doomed To destruction and No power Can save it. They have forfeited all right and title to Redemption or Salvation at the Hand of the Lord or his Saints. It is decreed that the measure which they have meeted out unto the Saints shall be meeted unto them and they are hastening unto there work of desolation, war, Bloodshed, & destruction and wo, wo, is ther doom.

The spirit of Prophecy would Cry O, Lord, Hasten thy work. Let the wicked slay the wicked untill the whole land is Clensed from the Corruption, sin, abomination, and wickedness which now reigns upon the face of the whole Earth. May thy Judgments Continue to be poured out upon this land of North America untill the Blood of Prophets & Saints is avenged before the Lord and thy words fulfilled upon the Land of Joseph. Take away the sceptre rule and Government from the wicked & Corrupt and give it into the Hands of the Just even thy Saints, that they may rule in righteousness before thee. Give thy oppressed people O Lord the privilege of appointing there own Governor, Judges, and Rulers, from this time forth that thy Kingdom may be Esstablished upon the Earth, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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