[General Blessings]
Patriarchal Blessing of Dominicus Carter given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ... You shall have power over winds and waves. and when you shall be cast away upon a desert Island, and many times feel yourself forsaken the Angels shall minister unto you. And when you are on the ocean and your life in Peril you shall have power to calm the waves. And should your lot be cast among a barbarous people and they seek to destroy you if need require it you shall even power to translate yourself or to call down fire from heaven as did Elijah of old ... You shall stand to behold the winding up scene and shall have a multiplicity of blessings which my tongue cannot express, and I seal you up to eternal life, even so Amen
[Source: Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:115-116, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
The 2 PB books (2 Vol.set) should be digitized for Kindle readers.
ReplyDeleteI'll let the author know.