[George Q. Cannon]
Services commenced at the Temple at ten o¿clock. ... This has been the longest and most interesting conference I suppose that has ever been held by the Latter-day Saints in this dispensation. At least we have no account of any conference being held at such length. It is three weeks to-morrow morning since conference opened in the Tabernacle. The proceedings there occupied two days, April 4th and 5th, We then commenced the dedication services in the Temple on Thursday the 6th of April. This afternoon makes the thirty first congregation of Adults who have taken part in the dedicatory services in the large assembly room. Besides these thirty-one meetings[,] five meetings were held for the children, and the presiding priesthood held three meetings on Wednesday and Thursday the 19th and 20th, so that altogether we have held thirty-nine meetings in the Temple since the 6th of April. On the 4th and 5th we held four sessions in the Tabernacle during the day and one priesthood meeting in the evening. Two overflow meetings were held in the Assembly Hall on the 5th, making an aggregate of forty-six meetings that have been held. I have attended all these meetings with the exception of the overflow meetings and one meeting in the Temple during the last three weeks. ... I have yearned exceedingly to have love and harmony restored, to have everything of an unpleasant nature banished and to have all hard speeches and hard acts that have been uttered and committed forgiven, and the Lord has heard my prayer. ...
I have considered it a wonderful blessing for me to be honored of the Lord as I have been during these services. He has placed me in a position where I have been honored by my fellow-servants and the Saints to an extent beyond anything I ever anticipated. President Woodruff has testified several times about myself and the spirit of revelation and prophecy which he said I had, and some of the Twelve have done the same, notably Brother F. M. Lyman. President Woodruff announced to the congregation that I was a man full of inspiration and revelation. Last Tuesday afternoon Brother Joseph F. Smith said that I had been filled with the spirit of prophecy concerning the great change in the midst of the people when no one else seemed to have that spirit. ...
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
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