[Hosea Stout]
Gov Cuming was introduced to the people by Gov. Young[.] He declared that it was his purpose to do us all the good he could and be our friend and attempted to justify the government of the U. S. in sending troops to enforce officers upon us against our will &c
Clements speech was enthusiastically cheered continually and when gov C. said that he would not hang as a rag on our garments against our will, the congregation cheered loudly giving him to see that the quicker he was oph the better would they be suited.
There was many personal sarcasms thrown at the gov & twice when he arose to speak he was most roundly hissed still[.] He seemed to take all in good parts as he said to me after meeting "that we had had quite a discussion to day and all would soon be understood and work well yet.and really seemed to be very much encouraged by the proceedings as if he had been well recieved....
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
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