[Brigham Young]
I want you [Orson Pratt] to let mysteries alone you made a gross mistake in printing Mother [Lucy Mack] Smith's history, there were too many thumping lies in it. Another was in publishing the marriage ceremony, and another was in diving into the mysteries of the Gods - Joseph said infants will remain in size and be filled, that is a great way this side of you - I expect to see an eternity variety... I cannot vouch for the truth of that book [Mother Smith's]- it mortifies me to see a bundle of lies printed no one of the Twelve ought to assume that authority or responsibility - I would not presume to do it myself there will be another addition - we shall leave out lots of things in it and many thing right to the reverse - I would rather every one was burnt up... You will find the Lord will put his hand over that [marriage ceremony] and hide it from the gentiles - if we hold our tongues about it.... suppose the Holy Ghost rested on you when you begat a child - it would rule the fallen nature in the seed - Asked Orson Pratt if he did not believe that Jesus was begotten by the Holy Ghost? (No)... If we are faithful we shall know and we shall become Adams and hand down from generation to generation that we were formed of the dust of the earth - our father and our children can say it of us with all propriety - our bodies are actually organized here - We shall get our bodies from this earth and be exalted - I believe that the rib made Eve as much as I can make a baby out of that dais (pointing to one). -- Salt Lake City
[Leonard J. Arrington Papers, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
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