[Heber C. Kimball on dedication of Nauvoo temple attic]
Went to the Temple at 10 in the Morning. ... At about 12 Oclock we clothed our selves for prair and council. Levi Richards come in at About Half past one in the after noon. We offered up the Signs of the Holy Presthood. Joseph Kingsbury, B. Young being Mouth offered up the dedacation of the Hall and small rooms. Set a chort time then H. C. Kimball was mouth, then praid once more [and] Joseph Young was mouth. We then clothed our selvs. The Twelve war called to gether By the President in his room. P. P. Pratt had maters to lay before the Twelve. Doctor Richards and A. Limon quite sick. They ware praid for and ware beter. We onclothed [unclothed] our selves. ...
[Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]
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