[Wilford Woodruff]
Judge Kinney had a Court in the Court House at 9 oclok this morning to try the [Morrisite] prisioners. Before the opening of the Court Judge Kinney had some Conversation with me. He asked if I was at the funeral of Jared Smith & Herd President Youngs sermon. I said No I was not present. He said "I was told that Presidet Young said that I was responsible for all these things and that I was weak in the upper Story. But says Judge Kinney I denyed it. I did not Believe it. I have not taken any step without Counciling Presidet Young and when the men came to sware out their Affidavit I told them they must ask Presidet Young. When they came back they said they had done so & Presidet Young told them to go to Judge Kinney & Get out there Affidavits. I told the Judge I know nothing in the matter.
The Prisioners who Col R Burton took at the surrender of the fort at South Webber & brought into this Court yard yesterday was brought into this Court room at 10 minuts past 9 oclok, the number being 98. The Court was then declard opened....
Col Burton gave his testimony and said I am the Depity Marshall of this Territory. I attempted to serve 3 writs at south webber. I went with a posse as I had good reason to believe they Could not be served without a posse. This was on the 13 June 1862. The men Called for would not give themselves up & I had to use force. I sent a Communication to them and requested an answer in 30 minutes but I waited 90 minutes & received no answer. Then I fired a Cannon Ball and they returned to fire with small arms and the fire kept up through the day. Some Brethren Came to me and I organized them into my posse. ...
On the morning of the 14 we fired some in the morning But it began to rain & rained all day and we did not do much. Jared Smith was shot the first day and died.
On Sunday morning the 15 of June we had fair weather. I divided my forces as well as I Could & opened fire with Artillery & small arms from 8 oclok in the morning till 7 oclok at night. At that hour I planted a Battery nearby & took possession of one line of the fort. Then I saw a white flag. I then told them to Come out & give themselves up. They Came out & stacked their arms and surrendered Parsons was among those who surrendered.
I left my Men outside Except Mr Golden & Stodard. I placed some men to take Charge of the arms or guard them. Then Mr Morris made some remarks and asked me what I wanted. I said I wanted all the men who had taken up arms against me. Then Morris Said to the Croud all who will stand by me to the death lift up their hand and all as far as I Could see lifted up their hands & made a rush as though they were going to the school House or some place to defend themselves. I ordered Morris to stop several times & followed him up. I had no arms but my revolver and as He would not stop I stoped him with my revolver. He was shot dead. Banks was also shot through the neck from which wound He died. Two women was shot at the same time which I vary much regret but it Could not be helped. The remainder soon gave themselves up. ...
Dow said I Joined Mr Morris & believed him to be a prophet and I dont know as I have done any thing to break the Law and I believe now that Morris is as much a Prophet as he was before he died. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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