Patriarchal Blessing of Samuel RosKelley by John Lyman Smith ... thy Guardian Angel hath watched over thee and whispered over thee words of comfort to thine heart and warded off distruction [destruction] and death from thy path, and will continue to do so until thou shalt accomplish a mighty work in Israel, and become a mighty man in Zion, thy wives and thy children shall not be few ... the destroyer shall flee at thy command, streams break forth on dry places to water thy people, mountains remove hence, prison doors open and the captive sent free, and when thou shalt return from thy speedy mission to the Ten Tribes thou shalt travel as upon the wings of thw [th]e wind. ... and many will fall down and worship thee except thou tellest them to worship the Lord. ... Thou shalt stand on the Earth, thy wives and children will be with thee a great army and meet thy Redeemeer [Redeemer], A Saviour on Mount Zion with the Hundred and forty and four thousand having the fathers seal in thy forehead. ...
[Patriarchal Blessings]
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