125 years ago today - Jun 7, 1898

[Wilford Woodruff]

At the regular meeting of the First Presidency and apostles on Thursday last, it was learned that a rule existed in the Logan temple, established by President John Taylor at the opening of that temple, permitting endowments to be given on behalf of deceased children who had attained the age of eight years before their death. At the opening of the St. George temple[,] this age was fixed by President Brigham Young at fifteen, and is still in force there, and the same rule was adopted by and is in force at the Salt Lake temple. That uniformity may obtain in all the temples, [and] I give it as my opinion that the age fixed by President Young should be adhered to, and this became the sense of the council by formal action.

[Wilford Woodruff to Temple Presidents, June 7, 1898, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

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