130 years ago today - Jun 7, 1893

[Abraham H. Cannon]

At 5 o'clock I went to the Temple where I met my folks, we having received permission from Pres. Woodruff to receive our second anointings. Father was there to perform the ceremony. Bro. [Francis M.] Lyman was also there to be with his wife Susan D. Callister Lyman as she received this blessing. Father anointed and spoke the words, John D. T. McAllister held the horn, and Lorenzo Snow and John R. Winder were the witnesses. Sister Lyman was first anointed in the presence of us all, she thus being the first to receive this blessing in this [Salt Lake Temple] building. I then received mine, and my wives followed in the order of their marriages. I felt very much pleased to be thus favored. The ordinance of the washing of feet was explained by Bro. McAllister, after the anointings had been given.

[Abraham H. Cannon (Author), Edward Leo Lyman (Editor), Candid Insights of a Mormon Apostle: The Diaries of Abraham H. Cannon, 1889-1895, Signature Books]

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