130 years ago today - Aug 12, 1893

[Marriner W. Merrill]

Attended meeting in President Woodruff's office at 1 p. m. with the Presidents of Stakes when President Woodruff spoke of the financial condition of the Church and asked help from all the Stakes in loans and the prompt payment of all tithings due from all tithe payers. The Presidents of Stakes voted to do all they could to relieve the Church, and meeting adjourned. I went out to Saltair bathing resort at 3:45 p. m. and returned at 5:10 p. m. and took train at 8 p. m. for home.

[Notes from the Miscellaneous Record Book, 1886-1906: Selected diary notes from the journal books of Marriner Wood Merrill, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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