180 years ago today - Aug 13, 1843

[William Clayton]

He [Joseph Smith] then showed that Sidney Rigdon had bound himself by an oath to Governor Carlin to deliver J[oseph] into the hands of the Missourians if he could & finally in the name of the Lord withdrew the hand of fellowship from him & put it to the vote of the people. He was cut off by an unamous vote & orders to demand his license. [Rigdon is later reinstated.]...

At night my wifes mother went into the garden to pray just as we were going to bed. Margaret and Lydia went out & found her on her knees. She was deranged.... From her conversation with Lydia this afternoon it seems she took Prest. J-'s remarks very deeply to heart & that with her fears for [Clayton's plural wife] Margaret overwhelmed her.

[The Nauvoo Diaries of William Clayton, 1842-1846, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]

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