110 years ago today - Mar 3, 1914

[James E. Talmage]

Talmage attends a meeting in the Assembly Hall where Helen Keller and her teacher, Anne Sullivan, speak. Regarding Helen Keller, Talmage writes in his journal:

I feel there is no exaggeration in this statement that Helen Keller is in many respects one of the most interesting personalities upon this planet. ... Among the great lessons to be learned from [Helen Keller] [...] is this: That the mind can be lifted even from the depths of darkness, but an external saving power is requisite. To Helen Keller her teacher stands as a savior much as the Savior of all men stands to the race.

[Chronology of the Life and Work of James E. Talmage, J. Trevor Antley, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MJsHY83JZL_n6CjWq11y1trT_CVXMMXAx2uYOWAwn0c/edit#heading=h.2zfdaoa; MSS 229, Box 5, Folder 1, Journal 17]

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