[James E. Talmage]
Attended my Prayer Circle'for the last time! The matter of discontinuing the special or private Prayer Circles in the Temple has been given attention by the Council, and by action taken at yesterday's session all such circles are to be disbanded. The official circles, such as those comprising Stake Presidencies with their High Councils will continue; but the circles that have been presided over by members of the Twelve individually will no longer be held. This change came as a complete surprise to all the members of my circle, and a feeling of sorrow was manifest; indeed the occasion was not without tears. As to the cause for this change it may be said that such special or individual circles were called into existence many years ago when facilities for engaging in Temple service were very few. For years following the opening of the Salt lake Temple but one service per day, three days in a week, was held; whereas now there are six services daily for five days in the week. Another
element considered was that of discrimination, in that a few brethren'a very few indeed as compared with those who were eager to join Prayer Circles and who are worthy'had the privilege of this sacred association. My circle comes to a close in a time of very marked prosperity, in that it has been composed largely of returned missionaries, all of whom have exhibited the greatest devotion and most fervent interest in the Circle. Individual absence from the Circle meetings has been the exception.
[James E. Talmage Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
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