140 years ago today - Mar 9, 1884

Samuel W. Richards said whare a Man had 2 or 3 wives one After the other and did not have but one at a time He would Still be in Poligamy in the next world, the same as though He had them all at once.

Joseph F Smith thought Different from Br Richards. He thought in that way a Man would not be Carrying out the Patriarchal Law of marriage. If that would have answerd he did not see the necesity of the Lord Commanding Joseph the Prophet to take several wifes at the same time. An Angel of God Stood by him with a drawn Sword and told him he should be slain & Cut off from the Earth and the kingdom of God if he did not obey that Law.

G Q Cannon was of the same opinion, that A man must have more then one wife at a time in order to obey that Law. But He said He believed there would be men in the Celestial Kingdom that had but one wife and Some who had no wife and some who had several wifes would not get there at all. For good Men died without having the Privilege and men would be Judged according to their desires as well as their acts and those men who died without the gospel and would have received it if they had a Chance will receive it hereafter & be saved in the Celestial Kingdom. So with those who would have received the Patriarchal Order of Marriage if they had a Chance will be saved in the Celestial Kingdom.

W Woodruff agreed with Brothers Smith & Cannon in this principle. He spoke of the Temporal Blessings the Lord had poured out upon those who had Entered into it faithfully.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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