145 years ago today - Mar 5, 1879

[Minutes of the Seventies]

[African American] Bro Elijah Able gave an outline of his history and experiences during a period of forty years. Of his being in Kirtland. Of his appointment an [sic] ordination as a Seventy, and a member of the 3rd Quorum. He related some of the sayings of the prophet Joseph who told him that those who were called to the Melchisadec Priesthood and had magnified that calling would be sealed up unto eternal life. Spoke of his being appointed by the Prophet to the calling of an Undertaker in Nauvoo. Of his opportunities and conversations with the Patriarch Father Joseph Smith while watching at his bedside during his last sickness. He related one of the themes on which he dwelt at that time and predicted that the saints would go into the wilderness. Br Abel related many other items of interest.

[Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015, Appendix 1: Minutes of the Seventies, 1837-1933, Excerpts]

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