[John D. Lee, Council of Fifty meeting]
The forenoon was Spent in deliberating upon the case of Ira E. West, Thomas Byres, & others. An intermission of 1 3/4 of an hour was given. At 2 P.M. the council was called togeather & Some taul Speeches were made relative to the duties and Powers of this Council, by E[rastus] Snow & others.
Repeated the Name of this council (SS). ["]Verily thus Saith the Lord, by this Name ye shall be called. [']The Kingdom of god & its Laws and Justice & Judgement in my hands. Signed Ahman Christ.['"] Then said the verry Name of this Council is a louder text than any Elder can preach. Then can the members of this council suffer their sympathy to arrise to the extant that mercy will Rob Justice of its claims, Suffering infernals, thieves, Murders, Whoremongers & every other wicked curse to [exist], through mercy to live among us, adding sin to sin, crime to crime, corrupting the morals of the People when their Blood ought to floow to atone for their crimes. I want their cursed heads to be cut off that they may atone for their Sins, that mercy may have her claims upon them in the day of redemption. Pres. B[righam] Young said he did not feel much like talking here, as they were exposed to eaves dropers. It was then voted that the Marshal should recieve his comission from this
council ...
[In Quorum of Twelve meeting minutes talking of the same meeting, Brigham is quoted: "I want their cursed heads to be cut off that they may atone for their sins, that mercy may have her claims upon them in the day of redemption'- He would show them that he was not afraid to take their head but do as you please with them." ]
[John D. Lee diary, 97–98, as quoted in Jedediah S. Rogers (editor), The Council of Fifty: A Documentary History, Signature Books (2014)]
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