120 years ago today - Jun 6, 1904

This in answer to yours of the 28th ult., seeking instructions in regard to the procedure to be taken by the prayer circle of which you are a member:, in view of its present depleted condition in consequence of the late stake division. All prayer circles, excepting what are known as stake prayer circles, are under the direction of the First Presidency, and if, on account of the recent division of the Salt Lake Stake members of your circle have withdrawn from it or desire to withdraw from it, for the purpose of joining the circles of their respective stakes, it is their privilege so to do; and it is also the privilege of the other circles to fill the vacancies thus created in them by inviting good men to join them; but it will be in order for the press of these circles to first submit to us for our approval the names of all contemplated new members before speaking to them about the matter.

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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