125 years ago today - Aug 21, 1899

[Patriarchal blessing of James E. Talmage by Jessee B. Martin]

.... the time is not far distant when thou shalt be called and set apart and ordained as one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ in this dispensation. And thou shalt do much good among the people in preparing them to go to the Center Stake of Zion; ... thousands will flock around thee to hear thy words; and thy influence among the people shall cause many to turn from their wayward ways and serve the Lord more perfectly. And thou shalt have the privilege of going with the Saints of God even to the Center Stake of Zion, and do much good in helping to build that beautiful Temple; ... Thou shalt enter into that Temple when it shall be prepared for the reception of Jesus Christ; and thou shalt see the Redeemer and know that He is the Son of God. And thou shalt travel from place to place with the Apostles of God and organize stakes in the land of Zion; for thou hast been chosen to do this great work ... And thou shalt enter into the great feast as one of the wise, and shall feast and drink
wine with the Apostles of old, and with Jesus Christ here upon this earth. Let thy heart be comforted, and fear not the powers of darkness, for thou shalt have power over all evil spirits that come in thy way, and they shall have no power to tempt thee more than thou canst bear.

And I seal thee up against the power of the Devil, and he shall not lead thee from the Church of Jesus Christ. And I seal thee up unto Eternal Life, to come forth in the morning of the First Resurrection.

All these blessings I seal upon thy head in the name of Jesus Christ; Amen.

[Chronology of the Life and Work of James E. Talmage, J. Trevor Antley, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MJsHY83JZL_n6CjWq11y1trT_CVXMMXAx2uYOWAwn0c/edit#heading=h.2zfdaoa]

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