[Brigham Young Sermon]
.... in relation to a certain difficulty which took place relative to a dog [in Zion's Camp], that on a certain evening after crossing the Mississippi River, brother Sylvester came up with the remaining part of the camp when the dog came out and [insulted] him, he knew not whether he touched him or not. The next morning after hearing considerable complaint and murmuring concerning the dog, Brother Joseph spoke to several brethren present and said, I will descend to the Spirit that is in the camp to show you the spirit you are of for I want to drive it from the camp. '"The first man that kills that dog, (or my dog) I will whip him!'" He thought about this time that brother Sylvester came up who said, '"If that dog bites me I will kill him.'" '"If you do,'" said brother Joseph, '"I will whip you.'" '"If you do,'" said brother Sylvester, '"I shall defend myself the best way that I can.'"'- Brother B. Young further said, relative to a certain difficulty arising out of a circumstance
concerning some bread. That brother J. S. Carter on their journey to Missouri on the line between Ohio and Indiana said to brother Joseph is this thing right? '"What thing? concerning brother Parley. P. Pratt's asking brother Sylvester for some bread for supper. He then learned that brother Pratt had asked brother Sylvester for some bread, that brother Sylvester had bread at the time, but directed him to some one else, who he (brother Sylvester) said had a sufficient. That brother Pratt called upon that individual and could not obtain any. That he was present when brother Joseph told brother Sylvester that he had not conducted right in the matter. That he ought to impart when he had in preference to directing one where he was not certain he could obtain. That by so doing some might be deprived of food at times. He further said that brother Sylvester contended he had been right and justified his own conduct in the matter. That brother Joseph reasoned with brother Sylvester to
convince him that he, brother Sylvester, was in a fault, but he continued to justify his course till brother Joseph reproved him sharply. He frequently heard the brethren speak of this circumstance, and all (whom he heard say any thing on the subject) manifested a satisfaction with brother Joseph and thought his observations correct, and the principles which he advanced to be just'...
[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
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