[Nauvoo Neighbor]
- Poetry: "Joseph Smith" - Praise to the Man -- The Times and Seasons -- To be sung to the tune of "Star in the East," what we now know as Praise to the Man.
- Poetry: "To Elder John Taylor" -- E.R. Snow -- Poem about John Taylor's survival of the martyrdom.
- Reprinted Story: "Joseph Smith, Mayor of Nauvoo, Murdered" -- The Philadelphia Sun -- Describes the martyrdom as a vicious crime, and lends support and credibility to the Church.
- Story: "The Next President" -- Editorial -- Says that the Saints will never find someone who shares Joseph Smith's views to support for president.
- Story: Joseph Smith's Successor -- Editorial -- Encourages the Saints to be patient while the successor is selected, but for now the church is in the hands of the Twelve.
- Ordinances: "An Ordinance Concerning Brothels and Disorderly Characters" -- Geo W. Harris -- Prohibits brothels and describes the fines for operating such establishments.
- Announcement: "Miniature Likenesses" - Daguerreotypes Available -- L.R. Foster -- Advertisement promoting taking photos with his equipment....
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