180 years ago today - Aug 9, 1844

The day after he had exacted a vote of confidence from the Nauvoo Saints, Brigham Young and the Quorum of Apostles begin to take firm control of the affairs of the Church by issuing a series of executive orders. On this and ensuing days they 1) appoint Bishops Newel Whitney and George Miller to assume the duties of the Trustee-in-Trust "and settle the affairs of the late Trustee"; 2) order the Nauvoo House Association to "wind up their business and report"; 3) strengthen the city police force; 4) take Amasa Lyman back into the Twelve; 5) put the Nauvoo Neighbor and the Times and Seasons under the personal management of John Taylor; 6) order that "the general superintendancies' [sic] direction and control of emigration from England be in the name of Brigham Young, President of the Quorum of Twelve"; 7) divid the North American Continent into administrative districts presided over by high priests under the direction of Apostles Young, Kimball, and Richards; 8) ordain that "Willard
Richards continue the history of the Church and be supported"; 9) say that Lyman Wight and George Miller be allowed to take their company to Texas "if they desire to go"; 10) order an increased wage for some Temple workers; 11) decree that Nauvoo was still the place of gathering and would continue to be so; 12) urge all Saints to "proceed immediately to tithe [themselves of] a tenth of all their property and money-and then let them continue to pay in a tenth of their income-"; and 13) order them to have nothing to do with "politics, voting, or president making at present."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

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