130 years ago today - Fri., Nov 16, 1894

[Apostle Abraham H. Cannon]

He [one of the First Presidency] told of the spirit which led away from the Church in early days six of the Twelve Apostles. He said that the Prophet Joseph frequently did peculiar things in order to try those who were about him. One Sunday two Methodist preachers came to visit him in his house. He talked with them for some time, and then took a coal from the ash pan and marked on the floor. He then jumped, and said to one of the brethren present that he could not jump as far. This very much offended his sanctimonious visitors, when he opened out on them and said he merely did it to try them, as he perceived they were visiting him merely to find some sin in him.

When Pres. Woodruff first met him and his brother Hyrum they were coming in from target shooting with pistols, which they held in their hands. Bro. Joseph remarked that he was intending to go up to Missouri, and thought he would have to do some shooting, and wanted first to see if he could hit anything.

[Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4]

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