[George Q. Cannon]
Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself were there. We had interviews with the attorneys concerning the case and gave such counsel as was necessary. A list of names of suitable persons to testify was selected, and the points which it was thought they could substantiate were assigned them, and the brethren were instructed to notify them and get them together, so that theymight understand. Brother John W. Young and some of the attorneys were quite anxious to have the testimony given concerning some features of the endowment. It was proposed to have Brother John W. Young go on the stand and testify. Another point was, whether he could not tell that plural marriage was entirelydiscontinued in the territory, and that it had been decided that none should take place. We were pressed for our views upon this subject and I gave mine freely and said that I could not answer this question for President Woodruff. He was the man and would have to answer it. ...
[George Q. Cannon Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
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