100 years ago today - Dec 7, 1911

President [David H.] Cannon read [a] letter received 6 November 1896 from the Presidency of the Church in regard to apparel to be worn in the temple by those being endowed. This does not apply, he said, to Prayer Circles of the Brethren. There must be no innovation of these things from the instructions herein given, except it come through the proper source. He also spoke in relation to taking our shoes from our feet before entering the temple. A habit is obtaining contrary to this and it is not right. He read a letter from [the] Presidency of the Church in regard to the same and said, none but aged or sick persons are exempt from obedience to this given rule; but who will be the judge? The Doorkeeper must be the judge. Speaker did not wish to assume the r[o]le of grumbler, but let us do as we should and rejoice in the contemplation and reception of blessings that are ours united to enjoy. [Temple Minute Book, St. George, Dec. 7, 1911]

[Source: Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

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