100 years ago today - May 28, 1914

A Stake President in Los Angeles Ca. told president Joseph Fielding Smith] he had responded to an invitation to attend a public meeting at which Mr. Tripp was to deliver a lecture on Mormonism and Utah, and Bro[ther]. Shepherd said he had never heard a greater eulogy paid to the Mormon people in his life than was on this occasion paid by Mr. Tripp; among other things he told his audience that the Mormon people were the most industrious, honest and moral community that he knew of on the earth; and at the conclusion of his talk he gave liberty to those present to ask questions or make remarks; that a woman arose and commenced a tirade against the Mormon women, claiming that they could not read or write, and were held as slaves. At this point Pres[iden]t. Shepherd said he arose and went to the front and talked about half an hour and was applauded in the answer he made to the abuse of the Mormon women. ...

[Source: Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]


  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2014


    file/image 165

  2. AnonymousMay 28, 2014

    "... the Mormon people were the [3rd to 4th] most industrious, honest and moral community that he knew of on the earth;"

    The 1st are the members of The Church of Jesus Christ (WHQ: Monongahela, Pennsylvania), the only true succession of the Restored Gospel. "no brag, just fact"--- Will Sonnett.


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