[Patriarchal Blessing of Louisa B. Beebe given by William Smith] ... thou shalt behold an Angel in the dark hours of the night and in a dream he shall appear dressed in white array and he shall be unto thee as the voice of Joseph thy doubts and fears shall be removed thou shalt behold him afar off beckoning for thee to come and the time shall come when thy desire shall be to depart. ... and if thou art tempted & at any time cast down thy guardian Angel which is appointed of God shall comfort thee and by a still small voice thou shalt rest thy Soul in sleep and waking hours and in the morning of the first Resurrection thou shalt wake never to sleep again the sleep of death and the blessing of an eternal Salvation a crown that never fadeth away and a glory that is celestial I seal upon thine head in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
[Source: Patriarchal Blessing of Louisa B. Beebe given by William Smith]
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