[Heber C. Kimball] 27 June the 27, 1845. Met in Council at W. Richards. One year ago Joseph and Hirum was killed in Carthage Jail. So we met in coucil to pray that God would curs[e] those that had spilt thare B[l]ood and all those /that/ percicute the Saints. O Lord I thank Thy holy name that Thou dost hear Thy servents and bring trouble on them. Even now they are dum, and cannot do business and are all thrown in to confusion, in answer to the prairs of Thy servents, as we have felt to pleede with The[e] with uplifted hands in token of our regard to The[e]. I do thank The[e] O my Father, for Thou dost hear us in all things when we are agreeed, and this blessing Thou hast granted to Thy servents this day is set a part by Thy servents to fast and pray Thou woulst bless us with peas [peace] and prosperity, and that this blessing may rest on all of They saints, Even so Amen
[Source: Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]
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