SALT LAKE TRIBUNE reposts that Utah state task force is trying to understand why suicide is second leading cause of death for Utah's teenage males and young men, and why Utah's suicide rate is sixth highest in nation. Article down plays alleged role of LDS church's "too high expectations on young people," by pointing out that five states (all surrounding Utah) with higher suicide rates have lower percentages of Mormons. However, this is statistical error ("ecological fallacy") because states have not identified religious affiliation of suicides who might actually be disproportionately Mormon. TRIBUNE refers to U.S. Health Department's 1989 estimate that homosexual orientation is factor in 30 percent of teenage suicides. DESERET NEWS excluded that estimate from its analysis of federal report on Aug 12, 1989 and has said little about this current Utah task force.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
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