[David H. Cannon]
Pres[iden]t Brigham Young left St. George on 16 April 1877 for Salt Lake City and on the 17[th] [of ] April Pres[iden]t Young blessed me and set me apart to do sealings adoptions, 2nd Anointings[,] and all work in this holy Temple. This was done in Bellevieu [Bellevue, Nebraska] at the house of Brother Jacob Gates. I rejoice in this work and hope the time is not far distant when the temple will be filled with saints laboring for their dead. Be attentive and calm; see and hear what is done and said. Keep a record of what you do.
[Source: David H. Cannon, Temple Minute Book, St. George, Sept. 18, 1901, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
wrong Bellevue [in brackets]. should be Bellevue Park in Draper, Utah.