[Hosea Stout]
I saw Br Wilford Woodruff who informed me of the conduct of some young men towards some young women [Woodruff's two new teenage brides]. President Young had also previously given me charge to keep a sharp look out for them and that they had undertakin to get hold of them and some one informed them what was up.
Elder Woodruff said that they and the girls had been out for fifteen nights in succession untill after two oclock and that it was his wish & the wish of the President that I should take the matter in hand and see that they had a just punishment by whipping them and for me to take my own course and use my own judgement in executing the same[.] I told him that I would see to it[.] This was I believe the first step taken since we were in the wilderness to enforce obedience to the Law of God or to punish a transgressor for a breach of the same. The crimes of these men were adultery or having carnal communication with the girls which was well known to many and the legal punishment was death
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
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