20 years ago today - 10/19/1998

BYU Prof Lynn Wardle writes memo to Elder Marlin K. Jensen (Chair, SGM Committee), David E. Sorensen, Loren C. Dunn, Lance B. Wickman (Office of Legal Services), and Richard B. Wirthlin regarding "A Proposal to Amend the U.S. Constitution to Prohibit Same-Sex Marriage" Wardle writes that hed attended a "strategic consultation" about same-sex marriage in which a bunch of anti-same-sex organizations were involved. "We heard very informative reports about the current situation in Hawaii (from Friz Rohlfing), Alaska (from Kevin Clarkson), Vermont (from Tom McCormick), and California (from Andy Pugno), and a summary of the pending lawuit[sic] in New York (from Bill Duncan). There were repeated expressions of appreciation from these persons for the leadership, support and efforts of the LDS Church in responding to the threat of same-sex marriage in those states." Wardle opposed the idea of a national amendment, but was not particularly well-received: "I was listened to politely, but little support (only from Andy Pugno) was expressed for my position." "If there is any bad news in November in Alaska (where things look very favorable at present, thanks largely to the Church's financial support) or Hawaii (where the matter was described as being very close),... or if same-sex marriage is legalized in any other state, some of our allies who oppose same-sex marriage may immediately call for a U.S. constitutional amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage. I thought that you should be aware of that and begin thinking about how the affected agencies and representatives of the Church might respond to that kind of a proposal."

[Mormons for Marriage: A Prop 8 Timeline, http://mormonsformarriage.com/?page_id=68]

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