75 years ago today - 75 years ago - Oct 1, 1943

[Ezra Taft Benson]
This of all days is the most significant in my life. I shall never forget it. In the opening session of the 114th Semi-Annual [General] Conference I was sustained as the youngest and junior member of the Quorum of Twelve [Apostles] and called upon to address the great conference of stake and ward officers of the Priesthood. ...

Bro. Kimball and I received some valuable instructions from Pres. George Albert Smith regarding our duties. Among other things he urged to us to maintain and continue our contacts with people outside the Church in an official and semi-official capacity as an important part of our work as missionaries and special witnesses of the Lord. He encouraged us not to write our talks unless on a radio program which requires a manuscript. In so advising us he stated he was but repeating the admonition of Pres. Grant to give the Spirit an opportunity to operate. He said some of the brethren have somewhat formed the habit of writing their talks and were finding it difficult to do otherwise. ...

[Ezra Taft Benson diary as quoted in Gary James Bergera, '"This Great Thing Which Has Come to Me a Humble, Weak Farmer Boy": Ezra Taft Benson's 1943 Call to the Apostleship', Mormon Historical Studies (Fall 2008, v.9)]

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