[John D. Lee, Council of Fifty]
The council of YTFIF [Fifty] again met at the House of H[eber] C. Kimballs, & took into consideration the propriety of Petition[ing] Congress for a Teritorial Government, Giving them to understand at the same time we wanted officers of our own nomination &, should they Send such men as Lilburn W. Boggs, Neal Gilliam [of] Benton County, [Austin] King, [Wiley] Williams & others, that we would send them Cross Lots to Hell, that dark & dreary Road where no traveler ever returns. Pres. B[righam] Young was nominated & voted to be the governor of Said Territory. ... The Territory should be called Desarett [Deseret] & bounded as follows: [blank]. [Ten men] … were appointed a commity to obtain the Names of all the inhabitants of the valley & all the region roundabout to [be] incorporated in the Pe[ti]tion. The subject of gathering up the catle & Hors[es] that were Scatered over the valley, exposed to the ravages of the wolves & Indian[s], was called up & voted that O[rrin] P. Rockwell, J[ohn] D. Lee & Geo[rge] D. Grant be the commity to manage or superintend the geathering of the catle; the above commity was nominated by Pres. B[righam] Y[oung] who observed, ["]If there is not fire and thunder in this commity we will try & put some in them.["] ...
[John D. Lee diary, 80-81, as quoted in Jedediah S. Rogers (editor), The Council of Fifty: A Documentary History, Signature Books (2014)]
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