[J. Reuben Clark]
Pres David Smith and wife'Idaho Falls Temple'D. O. M. We talked over the matter of the counsellors to Bro. Smith'and agreed to his first and second choices. Brother Smith raised the question of his the furnishings of the Celestial Room'which seem to be generally disappointing. 'After some discussion I said DOM and self would consider it and write him'After the Smiths left Bro McKay and self discussed the matter. I said it looked to me as if we had too much "art"to much "Decorates"; that one of the chief concerns should be properly to give people the proper inspiration; that we must have more and different furniture in this room. I suggested we must have some relief to the bare walls, and spoke of drapes, describing the wall hangings in Mexico, particularly Elizabeth Cabots, though saying that would not do, but were merely illustrative. I thot we might consider some draperies. I also suggested possibility of introducing some lighting effects in the top of the room'the tower part'a soft radiance that might typify the spirit and its presence. 'It was agreed that one or both of us might take a trip to Idaho Falls soon.'I also suggested possibility of panelling the walls which would enable us to use a false facing to cover the wall defects. ...
Bp Wirthlin'Boy of excommunicate (new polygamist)'12 years old'ready for ordination as deacon'Father says he is teaching boy doctrines; shd. he be ordained? I suggested talking to boy, and if he seemed O.K. ordain him.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
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