... At this point President Smith arose and said in part that he would deplore the necessity of doing anything that might have the appearance of being premature, but he felt that it was urgent that some action be taken with reference to the reorganization of the First Presidency. Complications might arise. The church property which some years ago escheated to the United States was returned to the First Presidency, and the law did not contemplate a condition arising where there would be no First Presidency. Furthermore, the trustee-in-trust should be appointed without unneces-sary delay to properly execute deeds and other official church documents and to hold the church property. He said that he did not know how the brethren of the Twelve viewed this matter, but remarked that if they were ready for immediate action, he was.
Apostle Brigham Young said that he was heartily in favor of reorganizing the First Presidency, and nominated Pres. Jos. F. Smith as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in all the world. Carried by unanimous vote. Pres. Smith accepted the action of the brethren and remarked that the time was ripe to sustain Brigham Young as president of the Twelve Apostles.
Pres. Smith said that he had selected his counselors and named Bp. Jno. R. Winder as the first and Apostle Anthon H. Lund as the second counselor. Sustained by unanimous vote. Apostle Lund, who was greatly surprised and deeply moved, said that he was willing to accept the appointment and expressed the hope that he might be equal to the responsibility.
It was moved and carried that Apostle Brigham Young be sustained as president of the Twelve Apostles. It was moved that President Jos. F. Smith be sustained as trustee-in-trust. Carried. It was moved that Pres. Jos. F. Smith be sustained as president of the Salt Lake Temple, with Jno. R. Winder as his first assistant. Carried.
At this point Bp. Winder was called in and notified by President Smith of his appointment. Was much affected. Remembered when Pres. Woodruff told him of his approaching appointment as 1st assistant to Pres. Snow in the temple, and asked him to say how he felt about it. In reply said he did not feel that he was qualified for the place. "Never mind," said the president, "I will appoint you and the Lord will qualify you." That is how I feel, said he, in regard to the present appointment.
It was moved that a general conference of the church be called for the 2nd Sunday in Nov. (the 10th) to ratify the said several actions as already taken. Carried.
Apostle Woodruff referred to the prophecy of his father to the effect that Jos. F. Smith would one day be president of the church. Apostle Woodruff predicted that his administration would be eventful.
The brethren were then set apart under the hands of the Twelve and patriarch, as follows: Joseph F. Smith, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in all the world, Jno. Smith, patriarch, being mouth; Jno. R. Winder, 1st counselor to Pres. Smith, Jos. F. Smith, mouth; Anthon H. Lund, 2nd counselor to Pres. Smith, Brigham Young, mouth; Brigham Young, president of the Twelve Apostles, Jos. F. Smith, mouth.
Upon motion Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot were appointed as an auditing committee. Benediction by Pres. Jno. R. Winder.
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
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