125 years ago today - Oct 15, 1896

Met in Temple Bro[ther] M. Thatcher came, presidency had sent to door keeper Bro[ther] Salmon not admit him hence he was bard out. He said to S. after all the thousands I have paid to erect this building can't enter, and several other things. Met at eleven Presidency more than an hour late. Then a document was formulated for news stating M. Thatcher was suspended & to not exercise any functions of priesthood. ... The feeling in relation to Bro[ther] Moses transgression is unanimous with Pres. & 12. How could he be admitted to Temple and to other things in church where they do not fellowship him and rightly too.

[Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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