[Wilford Woodruff]
[At solomn assembly] While all of the anointed present lifted there hands towards heaven this first presidency of the Church Confirmed & sealed upon our heads all the blessings of our ordination, anointing, & Patriarchal with a seal in the presence of God & the Lamb & holy angels that they should all be fulfilled upon our heads that not one jot or tittle should fail & the seal was confirmed upon our heads with a shout of all the anointed with uplifted hand to heaven HOSANNA, Hosanna, Hosanna, to GOD & the LAMB, Amen, Amen, & Amen. + Hosanna Hosanna, Hosanna, to GOD & the LAMB, Amen, Amen, & Amen. * Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, to GOD & the LAMB, Amen, Amen, & Amen. This was repeated as it is written & if ever a shout entered the Cabinet of heaven that did & was repeated by angels on high & caused the power of God to rest upon us.
(O ye Priest of Baal. O, ye Gentile religionest. O ye inhabitants of Babylon possessing the mark of the beast, what knowledge have ye of the ordinances or blessings or virtues of the house & Church of God?) ...
The washing of the feet of the anointed was the first business that was performed. The twelve assisted our presidency in washing the feet. Elder Heber Kimble one of the twelve apostles attended to the washing of my feet & prophesied upon my head & pronounced me clean from the Blood of this generation. This as it was with JESUS when he washed his deciples feet. Great were the blessings that rested upon us in this ordinance.
After the washing of feet, the veils were rolled, which brought the congregation into one assembly. The stand of the priesthood were still coverd with the veils. The Presidency stood in the lower stand & President Joseph Smith jr. arose and addressed the Congregation for the term of three hours Clothed with the power, spirit, & image of GOD. ... He instructed us to be sure & ask those that enter the Kingdom to send up their wise men to Kirtland with there money to counsel with the presidency & purchase an interitance before they move their families or bring the poor to the places of gathering for to suffer. Also that we must keep in view the institution of the Kirtland Safety Society & if the Elders of Israel would be faithful & do what was in their power this once Kirtland should spedily be redeemed & become a strong hold not be thrown down.
Joseph presented us in some degree the plot of the city of Kirtland (which is the strong hold of the daughter of Zion) as it was given him by vision. It was great marvelous & glorious. The city extended to the east, west, North, & South. Steam boats will come puffing into the city. Our Goods will be conveyed upon railroads from Kirtland to many places & probably to Zion. Houses of worship would be reared unto the most high. Beautiful streets was to be made for the Saints to walk in. Kings of the earth would come to behold the glory thereof & many glorious things not now to be named would be bestowed upon the Saints. ...
One Brother Clothed with the gift of tongues laid his hands upon my head & prophesied great blessing upon me. Another Brother possessing the interpretation uttered it unto me to my joy ...
Much Prophecy was uttered upon the heads of many of the Saints in other languages & was interpeted which was glorious. Thus was this day & night spent gloriously & those scenes will long be remembered...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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