135 years ago today - Oct 29, 1887 • Saturday

[George Q. Cannon]

Bro. W^m White, Sr., the butcher, and Bro. Milando Pratt came down to my house this afternoon to administer to Grace. They then proceeded to my wife Sarah Jane's and administered to Joseph. Joseph has not been able for four weeks to touch the ground with his foot. The disease seems to have settled in that limb. He has been unable to use it and could scarcely bear it to be touched part of the time. My wife told me this evening that the brethren administered with unusual power. She felt every word thrill her. Bro. Milando Pratt anointed and Bro. White was mouth. After they departed, my son Hugh said to Joseph, "Joseph, get up and walk." Annie also said, "Yes, Joseph, why can't you walk." At this he arose from where he was and walked a distance of about 25 feet into the other room, without any aid. When he reached the bed, he threw himself on it sobbing for joy. His mother, also, was deeply affected by witnessing the remarkable effect which followed the administration of the Elders. I found them full of joy at the blessing that the Lord had bestowed.

[The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]

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