[Weber Stake Relief Society Minutes]
Sister Sarah Kimball said— ... When the Nauvoo Temple was about a foot from the ground, there was a great want of means— A few of the sisters thought they would organize themselves into a society of some kind, that they might be better able to assist the brethren in the work of building the temple— We met, drew up a constitution and Sister Snow showed it to Bro. Smith. He said the Lord accepts your offering—but you shall have something better— He then organized us into a Relief Society—Sister Emma Smith being elected president—(The Book of Covenants [Doctrine and Covenants] calls her elect lady, she was then elected.) We were seven in number, but Joseph said we should become a great society. We see his words fulfilled to day.
I remember being here some years ago.— Sister Richards was then sick. Sister Snow washed and annointed her, and told her if she would take charge of the Relief Society in Ogden—she should have health and the Lord would bless her. We can testify that her words have proved true— I ask the Lord to continue his blessing upon her and upon you all...
[3.28 Weber Stake Relief Society, Minutes, October 30, 1877, as quoted in Matthew J. Grow, Jill Derr, Carol Madsen, and Kate Holbrook, editors, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Women's History, The Church Historian's Press, 2016, https://churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/]
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