175 years ago today - Dec 27, 1847

[Brigham Young]

... on the resurrection Jesus raised before he saw corruption ... you know Mary run to the sepulcher just as a woman ought to - she saw a man in the garden, she ran along and found that an angel who holds the keys of the resurrection, who has received his body ... Mary knew his voice - she fell right down at this feet - every woman will come right to her husband's feet same as Mary

... I realize my enjoyments today - my soul is happy and can cry aloud - and shout Hallelujah the privilege of seeing the people of God - it fills be with fire - and my soul with consolation - this is the best day I have seen in my life - this is a heavenly day - a day of Zion - the air is impregnated with peace - and feel as ready to go to heaven if I am wanted - I am at peace with all heaven, all earth, and all hell if they will keep out of my road - but if they wont I have waged war with them right strait

[Thomas Bullock Minutes, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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