[Rudger Clawson]
There was some informal talk regarding the question as to whether there are, or would be, any women in hell. It was conceded that some women by their acts—namely, abortion, child murder after birth, and the poisoning of their husbands, and other criminal acts—merited a place in the lower regions. President [Joseph F.] Smith expressed the view that women who commit such crimes as those mentioned would receive punishment to the uttermost farthing, but that there would be no daughters of perdition. This, he said, was his view in regard to the matter, which also seemed to meet the minds of the brethren. ...
Elder Hyrum M. Smith at this point offered some criticism as to the character of several entertainments given in the tabernacle, which in his judgment had a tendency to desecrate the building. For example, when the Scotch band from Canada was here, the Highland fling and the sword dance were given, and other exercises of a vaudeville character. He remarked that after some of the performances a half a bushel of cigar stumps could be gathered up. He felt that this matter should have our careful attention. It was moved and carried that hereafter the tabernacle be not rented for entertainments in which dancing occurred or anything calculated to desecrate the house, and in fact not until after the program had been submitted to President Smith. Carried.
... Pres. Smith said that he did not want his children to patronize the Y.M.C.A. and was, therefore, opposed to affiliation.... It is required of us to keep ourselves pure and unspotted from the associations and organizations of the world. We should not affiliate or fraternize with them. ...
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
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